“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed;” (2 Cor 4:8) “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died [with Christ], and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” (Col 1:1-3)
Dear Reader,
“The World Crushes. The Lord Lifts.” This title says volumes to us, does it not? You understand what I mean. There seems no escape for the godly from all that is against God in the world. We see it and hear it without pause. We are simply overwhelmed by it. (Praise God if you see and hear the difference!) And we tell ourselves “We’ve no sufficient remedy to stem its advance! Ungodliness and evil through men spreads without strain! This condition crushes us!”
Yet, for us who profess to know Christ, who have died with Him and now live with Him, there is remedy for our minds and hearts. Our remedy, yours as an individual and ours collectively, is Christ Himself. We must never forget this. We must never lose sight of Him during our days else the world will certainly achieve its goal and crush us. The reality is that many of us have already lost sight of Christ, and we are now crushed in mind, heart, and perhaps even body. You know who you are, if you are crushed. You feel the world’s weight too much. But the “worldly crush” need not be the end. You can be, and should be, “Lifted.”
Jesus himself, on His cross, was suspended (lifted) between the earth and Heaven. He came from Heaven to earth, was rejected by those He came to, and was cast up away from the earth as a plague, an evil doer, and undesirable. Many tried to “crush” Him with stones, threats and death. Those of the world wanted nothing of Him, yet He was the world’s Saviour. He would bear the world’s weight. Evil hearts cast Him from “their” earth. Always remember that Jesus, more than we ever will, understands the evil and weighty pressures of the world. We can, and should, take great comfort that Jesus knows our daily plight and that He is for us. The world does not know this, but God is in charge and all is His. He is King. This fact alone can lift us.
Jesus returned to His Father (and our Father). His Father lifted Him to a place the world would never imagine and in a way the world could never do. And we, as Christians, are now “in Him” in the presence of His Father; though we do not fully apprehend this reality. Yet, as those professing Christ, we should realize the truth regarding our Divine position throughout our days (have experience of the earthly-Heavenly difference and be linked more to the Heavenly), knowing that one day our experiential “suspension” between earth and Heaven will change. We will be fully free from all that is earthly and worldly (all it’s crushing weight), and we will be fully lifted by the Father into the fullness of God’s presence. But, for now, as Christians, we feel torn between two worlds. Sometimes we are simply crushed.
Friend, do not let the world win over you! The Lord Lifts! He is your true(er) identity and He is your true(er) reality. Jesus is the Head of His body. Where the Head is the body will also be. The world is passing away. Let it pass! You and God, and everything you have through Christ in God, are forever fixed and will never pass away. You can and will be Lifted!
Below, I have provided three hymns from the Rev. Ottiwell Heginbotham (1744-1768) to assist you in godly reflections and meditations on being Crushed or Lifted. Distinctions that we experience as Christians, with heart-felt sensitivities and Christ centered confessions, abound in these hymns. Very little is known of this man. I do not even know the titles to these works. What I find truly amazing about them, though, is not just that they so wonderfully capture and express Christian truths and heart confessions, but that their author died at age 24! How young! Yet, what depth and maturity of heart with God! How many years, friend, have you and I professed Christ? See if your heart sings in agreement with the words below that originate from such a young author. If not, perhaps too much of the world’s weight has crushed you for too long. Recognize your relation to your Lord and let the Lord Lift you today. Let Him be your life, and let Him Lift you every day. God’s best to you.
“Yes, I will bless thee, O my God!
Through all my earthly days;
And to eternity prolong
Thy vast, thy boundless praise.
In every smiling, happy hour,
Be this my sweet employ:
Thy praise refines my earthly bliss,
And doubles all my joy.
When gloomy care, and keen distress
Afflict my throbbing breast,
Thy praise shall mingle with my tears,
And lull each pain to rest.
Nor shall my tongue alone proclaim
The honors of my God:
My life, with all its active powers,
Shall spread thy praise abroad.
Nor death itself shall stop my song,
Though it will close my eyes;
My thoughts shall then to nobler heights,
And sweeter raptures rise.
There shall my lips in endless praise
Their grateful tribute pay;
The theme demands an angel’s tongue,
And an eternal day.”
“Sweet the moments, rich in blessing,
Which before the cross I spend;
Life, and health, and peace possessing,
From the sinner’s dying Friend.
Truly blessed is this station,
Low before his cross to lie;
While I see divine compassion
Beaming in his gracious eye.
Here it is I find my heaven,
While upon the cross I gaze;
Love I much? I’ve much forgiven;
I’m a miracle of grace.
Love and grief my heart dividing,
With my tears his feet I’ll bathe;
Constant still, in faith abiding,
Life deriving from his death.
Here in tender, grateful sorrow
With my Saviour will I stay;
Here new hope and strength will borrow;
Here will love my fears away.”
“Sweet peace of conscience, heavenly guest,
Come, fix thy mansion in my breast;
Dispel my doubts, my fears control,
And heal the anguish of my soul.
Come, smiling hope, and joy sincere,
Come, make your constant dwelling here;
Still let your presence cheer my heart,
Nor sin compel you to depart.
O God of hope and peace divine,
Make thou these secret pleasures mine;
Forgive my sins, my fears remove,
And fill my heart with joy and love.”
A Verse for Bill and Hillary
8 years ago
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