Sunday, March 22, 2009

Iniquity Or Love

Reader, may I ask, how has God’s grace been manifest in your life this day? This past week? This moment? Is the presence of God’s grace merely an idea you ascent to, part of a doctrine you believe in, or is the presence of God’s grace a reality you live, you experience? [Do these questions seem strange and foreign to you?]

How about love? How has God’s love been manifest in your life this day? This past week? This moment? Is the presence of God’s love merely an idea you ascent to, part of a doctrine you believe in, or is the presence of God’s love a reality you live, you experience? [Do these questions seem strange and foreign to you?]

Finally, iniquity. Here I must alter the questions, for I cannot say “How has God’s iniquity…” Iniquity, in some Bibles rendered “wickedness” or “lawlessness,” originates in the human heart. So, I must ask, how has iniquity been manifest in your life this day, this week, and this moment? Have you experienced the iniquity of others? Do you see your own? [Do these questions seem less strange and foreign to you?]

The migration from God’s grace and His love to human iniquity emphasizes the following: Why is it that we, perhaps the majority of us, live as if God’s grace and love are distant at best, mere ideas or beliefs that we may ascent to, and which don’t seem to be foremost in our daily experiences, but iniquity (that of others or our own) we immediately say “I see that!” and readily confirm comprises a significant portion of our experience? Are not God’s grace and love as real, or more real, than human iniquity? Are they not of more worth for seeing and experiencing? Dear friend, does your life bear witness that you know God’s grace and His love to be of greater worth and value, thus deserving more affection and pursuit, than iniquity? How is it with you regarding this?

If you are a Christian, is your Christianity that of belief and doctrine alone, “I am a Christian because I believe…” or are you a Christian rooted in the experiences of those items you profess, experiencing God Himself? Do you have fellowship with God or fellowship with ideas? Have you, as suggested in the last writing, have you consulted your desires and affections? What did they say? Consult them again, perhaps.

With the above in mind, I want to draw upon three passages. First, Matthew 24:12, “And because iniquity shall be increased, the love of many shall be cold.” Now, many a reader will say, “This chapter fits squarely in the great tribulation, end of times, or the end of the age! What it says does not apply now; not to me! It gives me no cause for concern!” Perhaps, if you are such a one, you are correct. Entertain, though, that it could be other-wise than you think. Could it be, dear reader, that if you seek escape from God’s word in such a way, are you not one committed to Christianity as doctrine instead of Christianity as life? Are you guarding the heart with the head, and thus not experiencing Christianity? Is the ring of “cold love” already in your ears and the root cause “iniquity” to be hidden at all cost! No friend. This text is for you and for me every time we read it, and seeing it we should allow God to have His way with us regarding it.

May I humbly ask you, friend, is your love not cold at this present time? Would you readily testify to God and all humanity that your life exhibits that which is worthy of being known as Christian love? What says your heart? Does not this passage challenge us all today? Are you cold? Are you loveless? Do you know too much iniquity and not enough, experientially, God’s grace and love? Be concerned reader, iniquity and love enjoy not the others company. Know love and pursue it. Know your heart and walk away from iniquity.

Second, I Corinthians 14:1, “Follow after love…” If you have never, or have not for sometime, memorized, meditated upon, and yielded to Scripture, this is such a verse for you! Much could be said, and I trust God will reveal it to you. Friend, you will follow something. Let it be love. For by “knowing” and “seeing” and “pursuing” love, you will become loving. God will take you through events and changes and you will become what you behold. If you see yourself only, and not God, you will become the manifestation of what you are in your fallen-ness: Iniquity. If you follow after love you will know and see and pursue God and His image you will bear, thus being god-like, or His child, and thus loving. You must first know His love, before you can see it in your day and follow its lead experientially. Knowing and seeing God’s love will draw you into following, thus living, His love. You will not be cold. You could not be cold.

Third, I Corinthians 16:14, “Let all your things be done in love.” Ah, this my friend, this is Christianity known and lived! Here is something, if ever you achieve it, here is something the world can never know (although it can see it), the world can never want, and the world can never rid you of! Iniquity, oh yes, iniquity and coldness, the world will pursue and support these till the end of time, but “doing all things in love!” (or “lovingly”) this dear friend will seal your fate in the world but cause your life to beam with the radiance of God! Do you now do some things in love? Do I?

Yet, I must ask, are you as I am, and do you at this moment while recognizing the worth of a godly and loving life, experientially, acknowledging Scriptures voice and call to you, do you sense an impossibility to your ever living such a way? Friend, there is no formula for your and my perfecting our Christian lives. Christianity is a relationship with God “as individuals” primarily. Do you know God through and because of the work and merits of His Son? If so, you have a new heart, a new set of affections and desires. These are God-oriented (from God, because of God, and for God). These affections stand in contrast to your original heart affections, which are set on iniquity (from self, because of self, and for self). If you prefer the later, your love will be cold. If you prefer the former, you will know love (experientially), see and follow love, and live lovingly. Know God. Know your heart. Live what you believe.

Much has been written. May God permit us to live much of it for His glory and other’s benefit.

Iniquity or love?

Follow after love.


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