Beloved of God in Christ Jesus,
How goes it with your soul this day?
Christian, does this question sound strange to your ears? When your eyes read such a question, does your mind immediately bear you witness that the question speaks of an alien or distant reality too far away from your heart to have any familiarity of spirit? If so, then, "How goes it with your soul just now?" Why is there such distance in this instant? What road have you been traveling? Where does your heart venture? Does it not seem for the Christian that a question on “how your soul is” should be most natural? Perhaps we choose to avoid what is most real to us. Perhaps we simply do not know.
Each of us, if truly in Christ, must feel the inward tearing of our hearts, deep inward sadness, yet at times inexpressible joys. Our Lord did. Do you find it odd that you, as one in Him, should share similarity to Him in this regard? Are you familiar with the deep sorrows and joys that you find are yours with God alone? No human can carry the weight of these sorrows for you. They are God's, and He delights to hear you concerning them. He delights to receive them from you and give you His rest and peace in return. In like fashion, no human can truly receive your God-ward glorious praises and thanks! These, also, are God's, and He delights to hear you concerning them. By offering such to God, you are drawn more into His presence.
Why do we think it strange if we find no comfort in or from the world when we are not of the world? And, as sad as it is to say (yet I must acknowledge it), why do we think it strange to find no comfort in or from those in Christ with us, given that we share the same Lord? Is it because they have not the nature, capacity, nor interest for what is most alive within us? Can it be that “That” alone is God's, thus it is only for God and me to share and know? I must exist as an individual with God in this way. Do I? Do you?
Can you begin to comprehend the weight of Jesus' hidden relation to His Father? Jesus knew what was in man, and He committed Himself to the Father only. He lived at His deepest level separate with His Father. Do you yet see that you too, Christian, like Christ, in this way, are to walk in His steps? Beloved, do you know God as your life in your solitude, in your hidden-ness, that region of your interior where your deepest sorrows and greatest joys abide?
Whether or not the above description is my experience alone or one shared with you, I want to encourage you this day (and hopefully often) to ask yourself the question "What is the one thing needful?" For by allowing God to move in your life to reveal to and in you the answer, you will, I wager, see where life is found. God must show you the answer Himself. It is a work He delights in doing. Yours is to ask, to seek.
Christian, How goes it with your soul this day? What is the one thing needful?
“Divinity’s indwelling power sustained Him till nature was dead.”
(Joseph Swain, 1761-96)
A Verse for Bill and Hillary
8 years ago